A lot is happening that we are having hard time keeping up. Here is a timely opportunity for you where our local leaders will come to you and you can hear how the leadership is thinking, and best of all, you get to talk to them directly. Please note that, as Muslims, it is very important for us to show our STRENGTH IN NUMBERS by joining this call. Feel free to reach out to the moderator Steve Slugocki (Chair of Maricopa County Democratic Party) and/or Salauddin, Shams or any volunteer from Arizona Muslims For Change if you need any clarification or support. If this thread appears too busy 😊, please reach out personally and we will try our best to help. “Let’s make AZ Blue this year and sow the roots for years to come, insha’Allah” Thanks.
Arif +1 (480) 236-1846
Arizona Muslims for Change
Please share the Zoom link (below) for the program among your contacts.
Steven Slugocki is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Maricopa County Democratic Party & Arizona Muslim Democrats: Meet Your Local Candidates!
Time: Oct 4th, 2020 02:00 PM Arizona
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 4481 0918
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