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Erin Suwwan

My name is Erin Loukili (Suwwan). I own a boutique graphic design studio that specializes in multi-page design. As a business owner, I would love to have my business listed in an online directory. I strongly believe it is extremely important to support local businesses as much as possible. The more money we can keep circulating within our community, the stronger our community members and families become. By utilizing the local talents of the members of our community, we all thrive together. Many times, we know each other by face and/or by first name, but we don’t dig deeper to find out the talents that each of us possesses. By creating an online business directory, we would be able to connect familiar, trusting faces with talents and strengths that may be of need to members of our community.

On another note, I am a revert to Islam and part of my process of reversion is making sure that all of my income comes from halal sources. If I received a call from someone who found me in the online business directory, I would trust that the job would be one of halal sources and therefore one I would jump at the opportunity to accept as halal income for me and my family.  

 :) Erin (July 14, 2019)

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