4th Annual Youth Career EXPO
Salam all
We hope you and yours are well and safe.
The Rumi Center in partnership with Greater Phoenix Urban League Young Professionals are excited to present Rumi Center's 4th Annual Youth Career Expo!
We are going virtual this year on October 24th (10:00am-1:00PM) and excited for our youth to meet diverse professionals from many different industries/fields.
If you are a young adult or a parent of a youth looking to hear about future career options, please register here: https://youth-career-expo.eventbrite.com
If you are a professional who is passionate about inspiring young people to join your field, please volunteer with us as a professional and talk to the youth about your career...sign up here: https://forms.gle/mU364PZhz3sUtpzR7
Please help us spread the word to other professionals and to middle and high school students.
Looking forward to seeing you soon
Rumi Center Board