A Day of Service

This event has been cancelled due to the fire at Masjid Salaam on Friday, June 24, 2022

Salam. We are partnering with Bangladesh Association of Phoenix (BAP) for a "Day of Service" with multiple volunteer activities. We will provide both breakfast (8:30am) at Masjid Essalam and lunch (12:30pm) at HHRD. We also need volunteers (18+ yrs. old) for the adopt-a-hwy in the early morning 6am-8am. Please take the opportunity of serving the community you live in and also send your love to needy Muslims in overseas by volunteering in Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD). You and your family will enjoy this fun activities and also Allah will reward you for serving the fellow human being. Register using this link below, JZK!: https://www.tinyurl.com/adayofservice

The day of service will include:
Adopt a Highway Cleanup from 6am to 8am (Reporting at Masjid Es-salaam at 5:30am)
Food Pantry Boxing & Storage Organizing from 8:30am to 10:30am (Masjid Es-salaam, 1071 N Alma School Rd, Chandler, AZ 85224)
Helping Hands Volunteering from 11am to 1pm (HHRD, 33 E Comstock Dr Suite #1, Chandler, AZ 85225)

Breakfast will be provided at Masjid Es-salaam at 8:30am and lunch will be provided at Helping Hands at 12:30pm. All ages are welcome except for the highway cleanup for adults only.

If you have further questions, contact: Khalid Khan (480) 643-9526 | Syed Mazhar Islam (602) 284-2652

Asma NooruddinComment