Afghan Refugee Task Force

Asalamualaikum dear community members:

Please join us on Saturday, Oct 2 at 1pm for an update on current Afghan arrivals, what AMA's Refugee Task Force has accomplished, and learn how YOU can help welcome our Afghan brothers and sisters into our communities.

Jazzakullah Khair
AMA Refugee Task Force Team 


16 Muslim organizations and masajid have come together to aid our brothers and sisters resettling in America from Afghanistan. Food, clothing, transportation and hygiene products are being donated. It is so important at this traumatic time that they know the Muslim community is here for them as we support the government agencies who brought them to the valley. What an opportunity for cooperation, unity and strengthening our bonds while giving dawah through our example. Organizations like ICNA, AMWA Helping Hand, and others have been doing this work for decades. We are happy to join the effort.

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