Call Congress to Stop Fueling Violence 2023

We're contacting you again because this is a crisis. Every hour matters for Gaza. Please immediately call Congress again to demand the US government deescalate to prevent the further loss of life, not fuel violence by sending more weapons to Israel.

There are over 2 million people in Gaza, half of whom are children. The House of Reps might vote as early as tonight on a resolution to rush weapons to Israel, despite Israeli officials pledging Palestinian genocide.

We need you to flood Congress with calls demanding they de-escalate and stop sending weapons. Call every hour.

☎️ ☎️ ☎️ We cannot stress more how critical it is that everyone receiving this message join in making these demands. This tool takes 60 seconds and connects you directly with your reps:

Call for a ceasefire: &

Asma NooruddinComment