CelebrateMercy Launched Stories About The Black Companions

CelebrateMercy launched a newly-expanded course,

Black Lives Around the Messenger ﷺ, with 6 guests:

Shaykh Adeyinka Mendes,

Imam Zaid Shakir,

Shaykha Ieasha Prime,

Imam Omar Suleiman,

Shaykh Ubaydullah Evans, and

Imam Dawud Walid.

In the powerful opening session, teachers shared lessons and stories about the Black Companions. They ended the program one of the best Q&A sessions ever hosted on CelebrateMercy. The session also featured a beautiful Quran recitation and moving poem.

VIEW Opening Session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB0yYlcKPsg&ab_channel=CelebrateMercy

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