Cemetery Project by ICC

You can contact brother Anjum or Dr Babar Khan or https://secure.givelively.org/donate/islamic-community-center-of-tempe/cemetery-project

Message from Anjum bhai please share to others and donate

Asa babar bhai

We want to purchase a 10 acre lot adjacent to our present cemetery in Maricopa

The cost is 350k a couple of donors have commited 265k and pretty sure 35 k more r coming

We will need 50 k more to close the deal

We need 100 more people needed to donate $500 Or 50 more people to donate $1000 as soon as possible

Our present cemetery is more than half full and we have on average 150 janazahs yearly and it wont take long before the cemetery get completely full

Also this 10 acres we are trying to buy is a very strategic peice of land for us as the county is building a paved road (rahma road) for us for free worth 500k but needs easement from this land and its present owner is not giving it and he is insisting that we buy the whole 10 acre land.

Also this land is ideally suited for us as there would hardly be much development cost for us as all we need to do is remove the fence that seperate our parcels and continue with the burials

We want to close the deal as soon as possible to meet county deadlines for the road project

Please contribute ASAP

Please spread the word and donate for your own community In Shaa Allah a Sadqae Jaria

Jazakallah Khairan

Asma NooruddinComment