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Dear “MOVE”-ers,

Salam. 25th night is upon us another possibility of Laylatul Qadr – Please take full advantage by worshiping, staying up at night, reading Quran and doing charity among many other good deeds that we can offer insha Allah.

One of MOVE’s prime goals is “Empowering Youth” through training and volunteering. This is vital for the future of Muslims in this country and beyond. We are losing our youth in an alarming rate, Muslim youth are losing their Islamic identity (Deen). Current hostile climate against Muslims in school/work place/neighborhood are contributing factors to this phenomenon, also many immigrant parents are not adequately equipped to the needs, wants and upbringing of their teen agers and young adults’ children, also not every family is Islamically oriented. All these factors and many more are causing a big generational void. In one hand we are raising very successful (Harvard, MIT, Stanford graduates) young professional who are completely oblivion to the Deen and in other hand we are raising other segments who are being overly controlled and only focus on Islam but not adequately prepared to take up the challenges of the modern world. One of our missions is to bridge that gap Allah willingly! We need to pull these two camps to benefit from each other and become a unified force to combat anti-Islamic narratives and Islamophobia.

Please look at the attached documents or below screen shot to learn about our youth program as you will see that we started various Extra-Curricular, Life skills programs on diverse fields including STEM, Art and Architecture, Math, Advocacy (Speech, Debate, Story-telling), Community Service, Graduate Club, College Admission tips and off-course various aspects of Islamic learning/topics. We feel programs such as this not only benefit the youth as students but many of them are becoming mentors to the younger children and positioning themselves as the role model and future leaders. These programs will not bring results overnight but if we can successfully pursue them then in next decade or so we will be able to prepare a generation of Muslim leaders’ insha Allah. Few decades ago Jewish Americans were discriminated against and persecuted but slowly and gradually they overcame those by excelling in every field of Academic and other skills and became a dominant force. Currently we are witnessing Indians are also excelling in various fields and dominating American policy and power if not already. Unfortunately Muslims are lagging and we need to make some serious in-roads in building and preparing our youth to take up the challenges to steer American policy based on fairness, justice and respect for fellow human being inside America and throughout the world.

The above is not a small task and only a handful or few hundreds will not be able to accomplish much, we need to engage hundreds of thousands to take part very aggressively before it is too late; there are looming threats from various corners. A well trained, well-educated and well qualified young men and women can change the course with Allah’s help and mercy. We have embarked on that journey; our youth entity is shaping up with the brand “Muslim Corps” – we are now expanding in various cities, we need your help and support for its growth and make “Muslim Corps” a household name insha Allah..

Asma NooruddinComment