ICEV Survey To Attend Taraweeh

ICEV plans to:

**Pray 8 Rakah Taraweeh this Ramadan.

**Outdoors and indoors similar to how we perform Jumuah or outdoors only.

**Social distancing maintained

**Face mask required; bring own prayer mat.

**Complete Isha + 8 Rakah Taraweeh + Witr in 35 - 40 minutes, starting tentatively at 8:20 PM.

**We will not complete the full Quran in Taraweeh.

**No Iftar/Suhur or Itiqaf in Masjid.

Short survey if you're planning to attend taraweeh at ICEV

We can accommodate only a limited number of people due to social distancing. Your response will help us to plan accordingly.
Contact us at with questions and comments.