ICNEV Phase II re-opening Jummah starts on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 2020


Assalamualaikum Brothers and Sisters,

ICNEV is pleased to announce the Phase II re-opening of our masjid on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 2020. ICNEV will be open for Daily as well as Jummah prayers.

Limited pre-marked spots will be available for Jummah. Monthly pre-registration is required to attend for each person attending. 

First Jummah 12:30 pm
Second Jummah 1:15 pm

Link to register

The decision to re-open the masjid in phases has been done in consultation with our Imam, local medical experts and in accordance with the rules and recommended state and federal guidelines including the CDC.

In order to ensure, to the best of our ability, the safety of each congregant and the community at-large the following procedures have been put in place to enter the masjid:


1- Registration required for Jummah Prayers. Only 40 spots available for each Jummah prayer.

2- Each congregant must wear a facemask before entering the masjid and keep it on at all times

3- Bring their own prayer mat and place on pre-marked spaces in the masjid.

4- Perform wudu at home as the masjid bathrooms will remain closed.

5- All attendees must keep six feet (6 ft.) social distance in the prayer area.

6- No socializing will be permitted on Masjid premises and congregants are advised to leave right after prayers are completed.

7- Those who are most vulnerable and/or have pre-existing health conditions or don’t feel comfortable attending are strongly advised to stay home and not attend any prayers at the masjid.

8- Anyone ill with a fever and/or cold-like symptoms(coughing, sneezing,congestion, runny nose etc) within the last 2 weeks or has come in contact with a COVID-Positive individual must stay home for the time advised by their healthcare provider.

9- All attendees must be 12 years or older.

10- Temperature checks upon entry with contactless thermometers

*We will frequently clean and disinfect high-use areas within the masjid premises.

*Mezzanine and elevator will remain closed. Both brothers and sisters will be accommodated downstairs.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. If you have any further questions please email us at board@islamcenter.com 

JazakAllah Khair


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