ISSA-USA Fundraising 2023

Dear friends of ISSA thank you for your continued support! Guess what? The Islamic Social Services Association-USA turns 25 years old next year! ISSA has been a trailblazer and a voice raising awareness about the need for culturally and spiritually diverse mental healthcare and social services for nearly 25 years!. ISSA continues to advocate for prevention and education programs to reduce the societal stigma facing so many. During April 1st- April 9th, a time various traditions mark their holiest traditions (i.e Ramadan, Easter and Passover) we call on our family, friends and colleagues of various faith and spiritual traditions to join us as we continue ISSA's mission.

Help us by donating to mark 25 years of ISSA! Support our 25 x 25 or more campaign! Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support.

Donate at or or

#issausa #25years

Asma NooruddinComment