Muhsen Arizona Launch

As we approach the end of January we pray you have had a blessed start to 2023! We wanted to share some exciting news with the AZ community! Alhumdulillah, with the help of Allah SWT and some local community members we have embarked on a journey to launch an official chapter of, Muslims Understanding & Helping Special Education Needs aka MUHSEN here in Arizona. This is a non profit orginization that was founded by Imam Omar Suleman to help initiate services across North America to improve the experience within mosques, and engender positive communities for those with disabilities and special needs.
MUHSEN is an organization that is not specific to any one age group or any one disability. They work with adults, children, and families who live with all intellectual, mental, and physical disabilities.
MUHSENs goal is to prioritize advocacy and education about disabilities, and has established programs like Muhsen Masjid Certification and many others whose goal is to make the community as a whole better for those living with disabilities and special needs.
As we strive to lead in creating a better understanding of Disabilities here in Arizona and build a better future for these “Special” People of Jannah, In shaa Allah where they are welcomed and all their needs are addressed as they are accepted by all we ask that you join us on this journey. If you would like to be involved as a volunteer, beneficiary of services/programs or assist in any other capacity please feel free to reach out to Br. Usman Khan (734-642-8134) or Sr. Hiba Amireh via email at
You can also join the AZ MUHSEN Whatsapp group via the link below.
We also are planning a launch weekend for the MUHSEN AZ chapter at the end of February. Please keep an eye out for details on the various events iA. To learn more about MUHSEN please visit
Please help by forwarding this message to any AZ groups or family/friends that can be of benefit and make dua for this initiative, as many can benefit from it InshAllah!

*Arizona MUHSEN Launch Events Feb 24-26* 

*Friday Khutbahs & Awareness Tables

ICC - Tempe 12:30, 1:30

ICEV- 1:30

MCCT- 1:00

Most other masjids will also cover the topic of special needs awareness and accommodations during the Khutbahs on Feb 24th but these particular masjids will have MUHSEN programming and speakers iA. 

*Friday Night:

ICC - Tempe 7:30 (after Isha) MUHSEN community awareness event, followed by Q&A

ICEV - 7:15 MUHSEN Youth Workshop, followed by Q&A

ICEV - 8 (After Isha) MUHSEN Community Awareness event, followed by Q&A

MCCT- 7:30 (After Isha) MUHSEN Community Awareness Event followed by Q&A


--Meet the National MUHSEN team @ Where U Bean @9:30 AM

Coffee Meet Up Registration:

MCCT-Youth Workshop @11:30


- State Wide Volunteer Training for any individuals, families or organizations that would like to be trained on how to interact and deal with special needs individuals and accommodations for them. - 10:30AM @ ACA

Volunteer Training Registration:
Usman Khan

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