ICNEV - Ramadan Weekends Iftars 2024
Invite your family & friends
50 guests-$1500
100 guests-$3000
150 guests-$4500
Please note: The Iftar dinner menu is set by ICNEV (set-up, clean-up, rental cost, helpers are included)
The total capacity is 300 and the remaining spots will be available to community members who register
The last day to reserve an Iftar sponsorship is Friday, Feb 23rd after which all remaining spots will be open to the community for registration.
We will need your RSVP list at least 1 week prior to the event.
Please email us at board@islamcenter.com or reach out to Br Nahed (480) 766-2579 or Br Sarfaraz (480) 235-9685 for further questions, date availability and to sponsor an Iftar.